El método exclusivo de las opciones de negociación le da. Escucha, si eres como la mayoría de la gente de hoy, probablemente estás: Cansado de hacer casi nada en tus inversiones. Cansado de ver su cartera de jubilación (y planes) poco a poco escapar. Cansado de obtener los mismos viejos y lúgubres retornos en el mercado. Cansado de obtener bummed cada vez que mire a su 401k. Algo de esto suena familiar? Si es así, lea el resto de esta carta para descubrir cómo puede fácilmente convertir todo lo que alrededor utilizando el poder y el apalancamiento de seguro, de bajo riesgo, opciones de alto rendimiento para hacer un ingreso mensual consistente en el mercado . David Vallieres y Tim Warren Lunes 5:30 am Si usted es un comerciante experimentado o un principiante completo, usted está a punto de descubrir opciones no son casi tan complicado o tan arriesgado como usted ha sido llevado a creer. La verdad es que la mayoría de las personas, incluso muchos corredores de bolsa con experiencia, simplemente no entienden las opciones. Usted ve, las existencias han estado alrededor para literalmente cientos de años, pero las opciones enumeradas son relativamente nuevas. Tienen poco más de 40 años. Así que es comprensible que la mayoría de la gente no sabe cómo funcionan. Es ahí donde entro. Ya ves, he pasado los últimos 23 años estudiando, aprendiendo, planeando, probando y perfeccionando un sistema simple para opciones comerciales. Ese sistema - permite que mi familia y yo vivamos un estilo de vida que la mayoría de la gente sólo puede soñar. (NOTA: El curso contiene vídeos de TAMAÑO COMPLETO para que pueda ver todo con claridad.) Y ahora, estoy aquí para compartir ese sistema con usted En primer lugar, vamos a asegurarnos de que entiende qué opciones son. Puede que ya lo sepa, pero en caso de que no lo haga, déjeme darle un ejemplo sencillo para ilustrar cómo funcionan las opciones: Digamos que vea un anuncio en su periódico local para un par de pantalones vaqueros azules. Su tienda de ropa local está ejecutando una venta en ellos, y para los próximos tres días son sólo 30. Sin embargo, en el momento de llegar a la tienda que se venden todos fuera de su tamaño. Para mantenerte como un cliente feliz, el empleado de la tienda le ofrece un cheque de lluvia. Le da derecho a comprar un par de los vaqueros al precio de venta - 30 en cualquier momento dentro de los próximos 60 días. Ese control de la lluvia es como una opción. Usted tiene el derecho, pero no la obligación, de comprar los blue jeans al precio garantizado de 30 en cualquier momento antes de la fecha de vencimiento en 60 días. La única diferencia es que con una opción te cobran una pequeña prima por ese derecho. Lo que hace que las opciones sean tan especiales Bueno, echemos un vistazo a la diferencia entre comprar una acción y comprar una opción. Digamos que usted consigue una extremidad caliente. Su compañero le dice sobre una acción que apenas se está preparando para despegar. Usted sabe que todo lo que su amigo toca se convierte en oro, por lo que decide invertir 10.000 en la acción. Supongamos que la acción es un precio de 100 por acción, por lo que terminan con 100 acciones de la acción. Ahora, digamos que su amigo tiene razón y la acción despega. Aumenta el valor en un cincuenta por ciento. No está mal. Tu acción subió 50 por acción. Así que si usted decide vender sus 100 acciones, obtendrá 5000 (50 X 100 acciones). Ahora, vamos a volver al principio y considerar lo que habría sucedido si usted había invertido sus 10.000 en opciones para comprar la acción, más bien que invertir en la acción sí mismo. Supongamos que podría comprar una opción para comprar una acción de la misma acción caliente para 5 cada uno (usted está pagando un 5 por el derecho - pero no la obligación - para comprar la acción). Así que ahora, su mismo 10,000 obtendrá la opción de 2000 acciones. Una vez más, diremos que su amigo sabía de lo que estaba hablando y la población subió un cincuenta por ciento. Así que, una vez más hiciste una matanza. Sin embargo, debido a que estamos tratando con opciones, tenemos que calcular sus ganancias un poco diferente esta vez. Tenemos que figurar en el precio de la prima que pagó por la opción. Así que en lugar de hacer un beneficio de 50 en cada acción, sólo hizo 45 en cada opción. Pero espere un minuto, ya que fueron capaces de comprar la opción de 2000 acciones de acciones, su beneficio salta a 90.000 Sí, su beneficio salta a 90.000. Ahora que ilustra el poder y el apalancamiento que obtiene con las opciones. Y conseguir esto, eso es sólo una de las razones por las que las opciones se han vuelto cada vez más populares recientemente. Hay muchos más, incluyendo: Obtener ilimitado beneficio potencial. Los ingresos mensuales de cinco cifras son realistas a su alcance Usted puede limitar fácilmente su riesgo y hacer las pérdidas prácticamente inexistentes Usted obtiene la capacidad de obtener beneficios si el mercado está cayendo o en aumento (de hecho, los inversores inteligentes pueden hacer grandes cantidades de efectivo, Usted puede cambiar rápidamente su estrategia a mediados de la corriente, para hacer realmente el dinero de un comercio que pierde Usted puede diversificar fácilmente su cartera. Las opciones son fácilmente disponibles en acciones, índices, futuros y monedas. Si te equivocas. Usted puede perder el dinero tan rápido como usted puede hacerlo con opciones Así que no creo que puede salir corriendo y empezar a hacer una tonelada de dinero con opciones. Es crítico que usted tiene una buena comprensión del mercado de opciones antes de sumergirse pulg Usted necesita encontrar un buen mentor. Alguien que ha sido extremadamente exitoso opciones comerciales. Alguien con un sistema probado. Alguien que puede tomar de la mano y caminar paso a paso a través de todo el proceso. Eso es donde entro. Pero o un especialista o un profesional con licencia en la industria financiera. Soy un inversor minorista como tú, que después de 23 años de pruebas y ajustes encontró una forma de ser exitoso y rentable de comercio de acciones y opciones como un negocio. Un negocio exitoso que corro desde casa. Y, los métodos de negocio que uso son los mismos utilizados por los gestores de fondos de cobertura profesional y profesionales del mercado que rara vez, si alguna vez, hablar de sus estrategias. Entonces, Por qué en la Tierra compartiría mis secretos contigo 1) Primero, en este negocio, la competencia es buena. Los mercados son enormes y en todo el mundo. No puede tener demasiados comerciantes. De hecho, los comerciantes más que tiene, más dinero puede hacer y más líquido se convierte en el mercado. Usted realmente quiere más gente en el mercado. 2) En segundo lugar, quiero dar la espalda. Este negocio ha sido muy bueno para mí. He tenido la suerte de usarlo para construir un estilo de vida para mi familia que nos permite la libertad de ir donde queramos y hacer casi todo lo que queremos. Mientras tenga mi laptop y una conexión a Internet, estoy listo. Imagínese lo que sería como para que usted pueda dar a su familia la misma libertad. 3) En tercer lugar, me encanta enseñar. He estado enseñando a la gente cómo usar el Internet para iniciar un negocio desde 1999. Miles de personas han aprendido a hacer su vida en línea con mis cursos, y que ha sido muy gratificante para mí. Ahora, puede ser muy gratificante para usted también. Verás, una cosa que aprendí en todos mis años de enseñanza es que la mejor manera de aprender es que te enseñe cómo hacer algo paso a paso antes de intentarlo tú mismo. Es por eso que a lo largo de mi curso llegas a. Mire sobre mi hombro mientras que hago mis propios oficios Ése correcto. Usted realmente consigue mirar mientras que hago mis oficios diarios y escucho mientras que explico porqué hago los movimientos que hago. Tienes la oportunidad de ver exactamente cómo gano dinero en el mercado. Mire y escuche mientras escojo las opciones que quiero comprar y vender y luego explicar por qué. Mire sobre mi hombro mientras que estipulo sobre qué oficios poner para arriba en una lista que maximice beneficios y reduzca al mínimo riesgo. Observa cómo gestiono mi cartera en menos de 15 minutos al día. Siga a lo largo como decido cuando para cerrar un comercio y tomar mis ganancias. Tienes que mirar por encima de mi hombro y verme ganar dinero en el mercado. Quién más hace eso? Nadie que yo conozca. Puede ser capaz de contratar a un entrenador de comercio personal que hará lo mismo si está dispuesto a gastar miles de dólares, pero nunca he visto a nadie que lo ofrece. Y no tiene que parar cuando termine con el curso. Simplemente regístrese para recibir mi boletín de noticias y podrá continuar viendo cómo hago operaciones y gestiono mi cartera diariamente. Ver exactamente cómo me gano la vida en el mercado. Solo quería decir. Compré tu curso y es genial que vi todos los videos en aproximadamente una semana y los revisaré de nuevo. Estoy enganchado en este material que acabo de comenzar el comercio de papel para probarlo y espero construir mi confianza. Esta información no tiene precio si desea seguir las estrategias presentadas o no. Estoy muy emocionado y espero que en un par de años puedo hacer esto como un negocio. Yo siempre he querido o al menos me encantó la idea de comercio como un negocio en casa, pero no pensé que era posible. Mi experiencia fue que fue un tiro de mierda total. Pero, como su curso señaló he estado negociando ciego. Esta aplicación de pensar o nadar es tan increíble cómo se puede analizar casi todas las posibilidades al instante en tiempo real. Y sus estrategias son tan sólidas y lógicas. Me encanta cómo los videos demuestran exactamente lo que estás enseñando. Excelente Un enfoque radicalmente diferente a las opciones de comercio Mira, la mayoría de la gente se acerca al mercado de opciones como pura especulación o peor aún, el juego. Es por eso que la mayoría de la gente piensa que el mercado de opciones es demasiado arriesgado. En este curso, usted descubrirá cómo eliminar prácticamente el riesgo y el enfoque comercial como un negocio real. Es simple: todas las empresas compran y venden algo para ganar dinero. Usted descubrirá cómo hacer la misma cosa exacta. Usted manejará su negocio estrictamente por los números. Esto toma sus emociones totalmente fuera de la imagen, que a su vez elimina la mayor parte del riesgo. De hecho, usted tendrá un plan. Entonces - Simplemente administrará su posición. Y - si es necesario, hará ajustes para seguir siendo rentable. O bien - usará tácticas inteligentes de gestión de riesgos para reducir sus pérdidas. Entonces - usted acaba de recoger sus ganancias al final del ciclo de comercio (mensual). Eso es todo Y la mejor parte es. Usted puede hacer todo esto en sólo 15 minutos al día. Eso es correcto Una vez que sus operaciones se establecen para el mes, se tarda menos de 15 minutos al día para mirar los números y hacer los ajustes necesarios. No encontrará un negocio más simple para ejecutar. Y escucha, este negocio nunca cambiará. Los principios, una vez que los aprendes, son tuyos para siempre. Podrá entregarlos a sus hijos y nietos. Los principios nunca cambiarán porque los mercados nunca cambian realmente. Los nuevos productos pueden venir en el mercado, pero mientras el mercado de valores está todavía alrededor, los fundamentos de este negocio nunca cambiarán. Este negocio es Evergreen. Y los principios que estás aprendiendo serán valiosos para muchos, muchos años por venir. Y aquí están sólo algunos de los principios que va a descubrir: Cómo puede utilizar las opciones para generar un flujo de caja mensual constante. Usted puede incluso decidir a pie lejos de su trabajo del día Cómo manejar su negocio de las opciones estrictamente por los números. Tomar sus emociones completamente fuera de la imagen (esto es enorme) Por qué la gestión de riesgos es la clave para su éxito en cualquier tipo de comercio. Y por qué es esencial en el comercio de opciones Cómo crear y utilizar la rentabilidad potencial s de un solo vistazo. El secreto que 99.8 de los comerciantes de la opción don arriba o abajo. Lo que se cubrirá para usted en el curso Usted obtendrá un total de 12 módulos. Cada uno contiene varios vídeos prácticos. Mire por encima de mi hombro y siga a lo largo como te paso paso a paso a través de cada tema. Aquí es sólo una pequeña muestra de cosas que descubrirás: Módulo 1: Introducción a la negociación como una descripción del negocio: Esta sección le presenta una nueva forma de opciones comerciales como negocio. Se hace hincapié en la gestión del riesgo y la construcción de una cartera de operaciones que pueden ser manejados estrictamente por los números. Módulo 2: Introducción a los Tipos de Comercio y Análisis Descripción: Este módulo incluye una breve descripción de las opciones de compra y venta utilizando spreads verticales, spreads verticales dobles, spreads de toros, horquillas, calendarios, calendarios dobles y condores de hierro. También incluye una discusión de opciones de valor de tiempo, valor intrínseco, valor extrínseco y dinero en efectivo (ITM), en el dinero (ATM) y fuera del dinero (OTM). Además, aprenderá a configurar y utilizar la plataforma thinkorswim para analizar sus operaciones. Módulo 3: Los Griegos - Gestión por los números Descripción: Los griegos desempeñan un papel crítico en su negocio comercial. Son los números que utilizará para administrar su cartera de manera rentable. En este módulo, obtendrá una comprensión de exactamente lo que los griegos son y, exactamente cómo afectan a su negocio. Esta sección incluye un video y un informe comprensivo, pero fácil de leer, de 5 páginas CONFIDENCIAL sobre cómo beneficiarse. Módulo 4: Selección de Comercio y Estrategia Descripción: En este módulo aprenderá cómo determinar qué posiciones colocar y cuándo y cómo ponerlas. También aprenderá qué gráficos, si los hay, realmente importan, y echaremos un vistazo a la gran imagen detrás de lo que estamos haciendo. Módulo 5: Descripción de la creación de la cartera: Usted descubrirá cómo construir una cartera colocando posiciones que trabajan juntas. Aquí es donde muchos comerciantes se equivocan - se ponen en posiciones individuales y no entienden cómo afectan a su cartera general. Módulo 6: Uso de la Plataforma TOS - Las Herramientas del Comercio Descripción: ThinkorSwim (TOS), es en mi opinión, el mejor corredor y tiene la mejor plataforma de trading disponible. Si tuvieras que pagar por separado los tipos de herramientas de análisis que te dan como titular de una cuenta, te costaría cientos de dólares al mes en honorarios - con TOS son totalmente gratis. Te llevo dentro de la plataforma TOS y te ayudamos a acceder a la energía que está disponible para ti. (Hay otros programas de software que puede utilizar para analizar sus operaciones, pero TOS es gratuito cuando se abre una cuenta.) Módulo 7: Gestión de cartera por los griegos, ajustes, VIX y más. Descripción: Ahora que ha construido su cartera, su clave para el éxito es administrarlo por los números. Aprendiste a los griegos, ahora es el momento de ponerlos en acción. Cuando haya completado esta sección podrá ver los números y determinar rápidamente lo que significan y qué hacer con ellos, si es que hay algo. Módulo 8: El arte de los ajustes - La clave secreta Descripción: Qué sucede cuando sus números no se ven bien? Aquí es donde 99 de todos los comerciantes mueren. No tienen idea de qué hacer cuando una posición va en contra de ellos. Así que sólo toman la pérdida. Es demasiado malo porque la mayoría de las operaciones se pueden guardar. Pueden ser rentables ajustando. Imagínese hacer un pequeño cambio en su posición y aumentar sus probabilidades de obtener un beneficio de 80 Eso es lo que el ajuste puede hacer por usted Los ajustes son el eslabón perdido en el comercio de opciones que casi nadie enseña. Módulo 9: Posiciones de Cierre Descripción: Descubra cómo y cuándo cerrar sus posiciones para obtener máximos beneficios. Los riesgos de mantener posiciones en la semana de vencimiento. Cuándo y cómo comprar un seguro a corto plazo para proteger sus ganancias. Cómo cerrar posiciones y obtener oficios libres de sobra que tienen la oportunidad de DOUBLING sus ganancias. Módulo 10: El panorama general - Análisis técnico Descripción: Parte 1 - En esta sección encontrará las herramientas de análisis clave que son fundamentales para ayudarle a determinar las probabilidades de dirección del mercado. Vamos a discutir por qué el mercado se mueve hacia arriba y hacia abajo de manera aparentemente al azar, y obtendrá una perspectiva histórica sobre los movimientos del mercado que se remonta a 1900. Usted terminará con un plan de ataque realista para determinar la dirección del mercado futuro sobre la base de pruebas fácticas . En la Parte 2, aprenderá sobre los indicadores a corto plazo que pueden ayudarle a mejorar el tiempo de sus operaciones. Y descubrirá un indicador que predice a corto plazo y la apertura de la dirección del mercado con un grado increíble de precisión. Es justo casi 95 del tiempo Módulo 11: Técnicas avanzadas y estrategias explosivas del edificio de la abundancia Descripción: Éste debe ser titulado realmente como sección de la prima. No sólo contiene las opciones más poderosas estrategias en el planeta, sino que también le introduce a un par de Super High-Powered estrategias de negociación de valores. Estrategia Explosiva 1: Utilizando este método, un comercio de 14.000 se convirtió en un beneficio de 75.000 en sólo 8 meses. La mayor cantidad de dinero en riesgo Sólo 650. Esa fue la cantidad total que estaba en riesgo cuando se inició esta posición y NO más dinero fue puesto en la posición. Tiene una proporción asombrosa de ganancias / pérdidas. Requiere un marco de tiempo más largo - 6 a 8 meses, pero no es raro que estos oficios para crear el tipo de beneficios que puede presumir. Quieres hacer una matanza en el mercado? No hay nada mejor que esto. Estrategia explosiva 2: Otro método que llamo Flipping Stocks le permiten comprar acciones más baratas que nadie, y si el mercado no coopera - se paga mucho dinero por esperar hasta que lo hace Esto es para los jugadores más grandes con más capital. Pero cuando usted tiene 15k o más para poner a trabajar, estos comercios a largo plazo generará beneficios explosivos para usted. Estrategia Explosiva 3: Con esta nueva estrategia tiene posibilidades ilimitadas de subida o bajada y sólo cerca de 50 en riesgo. Esta estrategia es muy poderosa y uno de los mayores secretos reales que conozco. Nunca he visto a nadie discutir esta táctica. Espere hasta que vea el poder de esta estrategia. Usted puede hacer 1000 s con un riesgo total de alrededor de 50. Esto es lo más cerca que se llega a un almuerzo gratis en Wall Street Esta es la estrategia perfecta de bajo riesgo para reproducir informes de ganancias, noticias de adquisición, o cualquier acción que crees que va a Mover grande en cualquier dirección. Estrategia Explosiva 4: Si quieres ser más activo en acciones pero odias el riesgo, te encantará esta estrategia. Con él, puede día de comercio sin el riesgo normalmente asociado con el día de comercio. También puede configurarlo como un sistema de comercio semi-automatizado. Es otra estrategia muy rentable de bajo riesgo y alta ganancia para los participantes más activos (requiere capital de 25.000 debido a las regulaciones de comercio de día patrón). Estrategia Explosiva 5: Si te gusta la idea de los comercios de ingresos mensuales, pero que se preguntaba cómo turbo cobrarles para hacer una fortuna, entonces te encantará esta estrategia. En lugar de 1000 a 2000 al mes, puede empezar a generar 5.000 a 40.000 al mes después de aprender esto. Esta última estrategia es la guinda del pastel - el momento máximo en todo su duro estudio. Vale la pena 100 veces lo que pagaste por este curso. Tal vez incluso más. Por qué no te lo revelé antes? Porque no podrías usar esta estrategia sin la base establecida en los Módulos 0 a 10. Todo lo que has aprendido hasta ahora ha estado conduciendo a esto. Y Estrategia Explosiva 4. Allí lo tienes. Estos son algunos de los puntos destacados de lo que va a estar aprendiendo en el curso - le garantizo que no encontrará a nadie enseñando todo esto. El curso consta de 42 videos que se te entregan en DVD. Hice el curso increíblemente asequible para asegurarse de que podría aprender todo esto sin tener que hacer hincapié en el precio. He pagado tanto como 3.000 para un curso y 5.000 para otro - usted conseguirá mucho más de este curso que ambos de ésos combinados. Hay incluso un curso de comercio en línea que cobra 7,500 para el acceso en línea sólo para aprender los conceptos básicos de las opciones. Bonus 1 M odule 12-1: Inside Days Este es el único secreto comercial que podría finalmente hacerte rico No voy a hacer promesas acerca de cuánto dinero vas a hacer con esta estrategia comercial (que muy pocas personas conocen e incluso Menos gente entiende). Sólo diré que podría hacerte rico. Cuánto dinero usted hace uso de él depende enteramente de usted Esta es una estrategia simple, fácil de aprender para el comercio de acciones, opciones, futuros, divisas o cualquier otra inversión líquida es, en mi opinión, una de las mejores estrategias comerciales que cualquiera puede utilizar para Empezar a ganar dinero en los mercados. Así que lo que están dentro de los días Un día interior es un día que tiene un valor más bajo y un nivel más bajo que el día anterior. Descubra cómo explotar estos días con fines de lucro ahora Bonus 2 M odule 12-2. Extreme Trading Descripción: Mira esta introducción al día extremo de comercio, y prepárate para una acción muy rápida emoción y los beneficios Verme comprar y el comercio de los extremos y aprender cómo se puede hacer lo mismo mientras ves Bono 3 GRATIS ACCESO INMEDIATO: Comenzar a la derecha AWAY Su curso en DVD tardará unos días en llegar, pero no tendrá que esperar hasta que lo haga. Obtendrá acceso inmediato en línea a todo el curso para que pueda empezar de inmediato. Vamos a cargar 67 para que en el futuro debido a la anchura de banda necesaria para ver los 42 videos en línea, pero lo obtiene de forma gratuita si usted pide hoy. He aquí lo que algunos de nuestros miembros están diciendo comentarios utilizados con permiso Tengo que decir que eres un muy buen profesor que no tenía absolutamente ningún conocimiento sobre las opciones, así que siguió su consejo y fue a la web de la educación optionsed para obtener algunos conceptos básicos antes Comenzando su curso. Estoy muy impresionado con sus videos y la información útil y consejos que está dando. Estoy a través del módulo 4 y estoy empezando a tener una buena comprensión de ella. -) Voy a hacerle saber cómo va Usted es un buen tipo (lo que un eufemismo). Acabo de revisar la primera parte de la estrategia 1 en el módulo 11. No puedo creer que no he leído sobre él en ninguno de los libros de comercio (y he leído muchos). Esto es tan sencillo. Por qué se me ocultó durante tanto tiempo? De todos modos, gracias por hacer un gran servicio a la comunidad comercial. Dios bendiga. Su Dave Ward aquí hemos intercambiado algunos correos electrónicos últimamente a través de su sitio. Por qué estoy escribiendo bien He estado pensando en su curso mucho últimamente (de hecho todo el tiempo) y lo fantástico que es. Desde que recibí tus videos no he dejado de pensar en el enorme potencial de los tipos comunes como yo para ganar dinero con opciones. Termino el trabajo y estoy revisando tus videos toda la noche, estoy leyendo cosas, investigando, hablando con la gente sobre ello. No creo que haya estado tan emocionado con cualquier otra oportunidad que he encontrado. Su sistema desmitifica el juego de opciones a un grado en el que casi cualquier persona con buena ética de trabajo y la voluntad de aprender puede tener éxito. Estoy seguro de que su curso podría tener un impacto positivo en miles de no decenas de miles de personas que están luchando tanto dentro como fuera de Internet para hacer dinero como yo. Sé que usted tiene una lista masiva y ya asociarse con algunos de los grandes nombres de la red en la comercialización de la red, pero si usted está buscando a alguien en las trincheras, por así decirlo a su pareja con el mensaje más acerca de su curso a través y afiliados Programa o lo que realmente me encantaría estar involucrado. Espero que no te importe que esté tan adelante que nunca he escrito a alguien como este antes, pero tengo un buen presentimiento sobre tu curso. También sé que eso si usted no pide que usted no consigue y que las oportunidades grandes no vienen alrededor muy a menudo así que usted necesita asirlas con ambas manos si lo hacen. (Testimonials adicionales abajo) Usted consigue 42 videos enviados a usted en DVD así que usted puede mirarlos fácilmente en el país en su computadora Usted consigue el programa de entrenamiento del núcleo - 11 Módulos que le caminan paso a paso a través del sistema entero Usted consigue el bono Módulo que incluye dos avanzadas avanzadas estrategias avanzadas - Obtener acceso inmediato en línea para que pueda empezar de inmediato Obtener una guía de curso de 7 páginas y un informe de 5 páginas en formato PDF Ok. Así que por ahora estoy seguro de que te das cuenta de lo poderoso que es el sistema, y cómo puede cambiar radicalmente su vida con todos los ingresos adicionales que va a crear para usted. Pero, ahora te estás preguntando. Bueno, la verdadera pregunta que usted debe estar preguntando es cuánto vale la pena tener un experto con más de 23 años de acciones y las opciones de comercio de experiencia de tomar de la mano y literalmente caminar paso a paso Paso a través de toda la opción de expertos Sistema de comercio Alguien que está utilizando actualmente el mismo sistema para generar un ingreso que la mayoría de la gente sólo sueñan. Eso es exactamente lo que haré por ti. Qué valdría para usted poder mirar sobre mi hombro mientras que hago mis propios comercios? La respuesta debe ser obvia. Recuerda, revelo absolutamente todo. Todos los consejos, trucos y estrategias que me permiten ganar más dinero cada mes que muchas personas hacen en un año completo Aquí está la línea de fondo. Teniendo en cuenta que estoy entregando la fórmula exacta que utilizo para generar un ingreso anual de tiempo completo cada mes. Este sistema es fácilmente digno de 1997. Y considerando cursos similares de la negociación de la opción se tasan entre 5.000 y 10.000, incluso 1997 sería una ganga. Pero no te preocupes, no te voy a cargar en ninguna parte cerca de eso. Después de mucha consideración, he decidido a precio el curso muy justamente en sólo 497. Sin embargo, a la luz de la economía en este momento quería que sea asequible para todos. Así que si tomas una copia hoy. Usted consigue un descuento masivo por un tiempo MUY limitado solamente, usted puede literalmente robar el curso entero de mí en 1997 casi loco. 497. 197 Pero coge tu copia ahora. Este precio especial es sólo temporal y se aumentará a 497 pronto. Posiblemente incluso antes de que termine leyendo esta carta. Y no te preocupes. Hay absolutamente cero riesgo de su parte porque. Estoy asumiendo todo el riesgo (como debería) con un. 100 Iron Clad incondicional garantía de devolución de dinero. Recorra todo el sistema. Vea los videos, complete el entrenamiento. Y si en cualquier momento dentro de los 60 días que no está completamente convencido de que el curso vale dos veces lo que pagó por él, simplemente enviar de nuevo. Está bien. Tome 60 días para comprobarlo y, si por cualquier razón. O ninguna razón en absoluto. Usted no está TOTALMENTE satisfecho con el poder generador de ingresos de estas estrategias revolucionarias. Enviarlo de vuelta y yo ll reembolso rápidamente cada centavo de su inversión. Es verdaderamente libre de riesgos. Asi que. Si te gusta un sistema probado capaz de ganar un ingreso de tiempo completo de casa a continuación, tomar medidas en este momento. Ponga sus manos en este programa hoy. SÍ - Dave, quiero que me dé las estrategias y técnicas exactas que necesito para empezar a hacer mi vida negociando opciones de compra de acciones. Envíeme la opción del experto Sistema que negocia: Negociación como programa de entrenamiento del negocio Un valor total de 1.997 para SOLAMENTE 197.00 Entiendo que recibiré 4 2 videos entregados a mi puerta en DVD. También recibiré acceso inmediato en línea a los 4 2 vídeos para poder empezar de inmediato. También entiendo que mi inversión está respaldada por su plancha de 60 días sin preguntas preguntó garantía de devolución de dinero. P. S. - Obtenga acceso instantáneo ahora antes de que suba el precio. Recuerde, si usted pide hoy usted ll conseguir el curso entero para solamente 197. Si usted espera usted puede tener que pagar 497. P. P. S. - No olvide, usted puede intentarlo libre de riesgo. Con mis 60 días sin preguntas preguntó la garantía de devolución de dinero. Todo el riesgo está en mí. Después de revisar el Curso en DVD varias veces encontré este programa PHENOMENAL. Fui LIVE en la plataforma de thinkorswim de inmediato y empecé a hacer buen dinero ya con pequeñas pérdidas. Estoy haciendo spreads y ajustes y estoy muy emocionado. Muchas gracias. Sinceramente, Tadeusz Przechodzki Sí, he estado negociando. Y ganar dinero que era consciente de muchos de estos tipos de oficios, pero no fue muy bueno en los ajustes - hasta ahora. Hay tantos secretos comerciales, y usted hace un gran trabajo enseñándoles. Gracias por compartir este curso impresionante y mejorar mi comercio. Ahora comercio con confianza It's coming along muy bien. Establecé una cuenta con TDAmeritrade hace algún tiempo, así que podría negociar sobre una base diaria. Yo ya tenía el software, pero he sido muy poco éxito en el comercio hasta que encontré sus videos. Creo que tus videos son realmente buenos para personas como yo, he estado buscando a alguien que me muestre los secretos del comercio. Mi meta es establecer un segundo ingreso mensual y construir riqueza. Estoy muy entusiasmado con los videos. Gracias, James Sims He estado tratando de hacer existencias, forex, y las opciones en los últimos 10 años o así y nunca encontró una forma fiable y segura para ganar un ingreso mensual de los mercados monetarios. Eso es hasta ahora Esta información es tan lógica que me sopla. Gracias por despertar mi sueño (el que fue aplastado por los mercados de FX). Saludos cordiales Kevin. R. Davies Agradezco estos correos electrónicos, creo que son geniales. Este es un programa maravilloso. Dinero muy bien gastado. He estado estudiando las opciones durante 7 meses y esto me está dando mucha más información que cualquier otra cosa que he hecho. Tim, Gracias por el msg. No puedo creer lo que he estado perdiendo todo este tiempo. Me hace mal pensar en todo el dinero que he dejado escapar a través de mis dedos. Manténgase en contacto, y gracias. ¡Qué gran sistema no puedo creerlo! Está delante de ti y no puedes verlo. Muchas gracias soo mucho, esto será muy divertido después de todas mis pérdidas que tuve. Gran trabajo, muchas gracias. Los videos son geniales. He invertido en todo tipo de libros que fueron a seminarios sobre acciones y opciones y no uno nunca hizo tan simple invertir en opciones. Durante años he estado buscando cómo invertir adecuadamente en el mercado como los grandes que constantemente ganan dinero en todos los mercados. Lo que es más alucinante es su programa es el mejor y no tenía que pagar 5.000 para obtener la información. Sólo quiero gracias por tener un producto impresionante que no cuesta un brazo y una pierna y algunas otras partes del cuerpo para obtener conocimientos sobre las opciones comerciales. Gracias, Ron Richardson Sólo quería decir cuánto disfrutamos y aprendimos de tus videos. Compartí esto con mi padre que es un M. I.T. jubilado. Matemático y comerciante activo. Ambos aprendimos mucho y realmente lo disfruté. He leído más de 100 libros sobre comercio y opciones y nunca he aprendido tanto como lo hice en sus lecciones. Saludos cordiales, Jeff David Assael :) Los Ángeles, CA Hola, estoy muy contento con su producto. Es un valor increíble, algo que no obtuve de otros proveedores después de acelerar más de 30.000 Por cierto, compró una opción de 4 días con AAPL en 379 salió a 388 (sé movimiento arriesgado, en una opción de cuatro días) hizo más de 1700 En menos de un día. Sé que esto no es la norma, pero definitivamente ahora ver el valor de las opciones de comercio. Una vez más, gracias Richard Maciel Hola. Realmente he estado disfrutando del curso Expert Option Trading. Estoy aprendiendo mucho, y me ha entusiasmado el comercio en el mercado de nuevo. La única diferencia es que esta vez me siento más confiado. No estaba seguro al principio, pero tengo que decir que estos videos son brillantes. Saludos cordiales, Lorenz Sommerer Gracias por el seguimiento. Sí, he estado usando Thinkorswim por un tiempo ahora. Hombre, la explicación de Dave sobre su sistema es impresionante. Estoy aprendiendo mucho Una vez más, gracias Tim por comprobar en mí, Kimmakone Siharath Mis videos llegaron ayer Eso fue rápido y estoy muy feliz. Este servicio rápido me ayuda a confiar en ti y en Dave. Al comprar en línea siempre estoy un poco leary pero hasta ahora estoy muy contento con sus productos y el servicio es grande. Gracias, Randy Scheffel Muchas gracias por su ayuda y apoyo y tengo que sentar que su servicio al cliente es tan grande como su curso. Lo aprecio sinceramente. All the Best, and a Warm Greeting from a Remote Island, Thierry Pierre ExpertOptionTrading All rights reserved U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the options markets. Don t trade with money you can t afford to lose. This web site is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell options. No representation is being made that any information you receive will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Por favor, utilice el sentido común. This site and all contents are for educational purposes only. Por favor obtenga el asesoramiento de un asesor financiero competente antes de invertir su dinero en cualquier instrumento financiero. Additional Disclaimer: I strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional or therapist before using any information provided on this web site Any market data or commentary used on this page is for illustrative, educational, and creative expression purposes only. Although it may provide information relating to investment ideas and trading as a business, visual ideas or opportunities to buy or sell securities or options, you should not construe anything on this page as legal, tax, investment, financial or any other type of advice. Si lo haces, es culpa tuya. Nothing contained on this page constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, push or offer to buy or sell any security by anyone involved with this site Copyright 2010 by Expert Option Trading All rights reserved SteadyOptions is an options trading forum where you can find solutions from top options traders. TRY IT FREE Hemos estado alli investigando estrategias de opciones e incapaces de encontrar las respuestas que buscamos. SteadyOptions tiene su solución. Obtener más inteligente y más educado acerca de los matices y el riesgo de comercio de otros como usted. Ayuda a los comerciantes profesionales a ver sus puntos ciegos. Tener acceso a recursos y ser un recurso para otros comerciantes. Obtenga respuestas rápidas del equipo SteadyOptions. Si las opciones de negociación eran fáciles, no estaría aquí 4 años de rentabilidad constante Estilo de negociación Tres estrategias únicas se desempeñan en todo tipo de mercado mediante la probabilidad de negociación de rendimientos consistentes que evitan pérdidas importantes. El propietario, Kim Klaiman, debe ser una de las personas más conocedoras en el campo, sin embargo, logra mantener la humildad. Su integridad personal es obvia y juega un papel importante en el valor de este servicio. Una de las únicas personas que encontré en la red que en realidad realmente negocia. Los rellenos son rellenos reales, los oficios son oficios reales, no sólo teorías como la mayoría de los servicios. Kim es extremadamente eficiente. En los últimos 12 meses, mi comprensión de la opción de los griegos, el valor intrínseco / extrínseco, la volatilidad de las opciones, etc han aumentado enormemente, gracias a SO y Kim. Cada comercio es discutido, y documentado. He aprendido mucho más de lo que en cualquier otro lugar para los negocios impulsados por eventos como pre-ganar eslabones. El valor educativo de SO supera con creces el precio de admisión. Hay muchas personas inteligentes en la comunidad. He estado con SO desde el principio. Es responsable de mi éxito comercial. Realmente fue una decisión que cambió la vida. Sin SO, nunca habría aprendido lo que he aprendido y le doy crédito en el comerciante que he convertido. Una de las cosas que distingue a Kim de los demás es que cada uno de los oficios son reales no hipotéticos. Por lo tanto, su comercio exitoso se convierte en su comercio exitoso, ya que no hay razón que no puede coincidir con sus operaciones. SteadyOptions te guiará en la dirección correcta Una vez que hayas dominado el concepto, puedes mirar por encima del hombro de Kim y comerciar con él. Intenté otros boletines que le dan 1-5 operaciones al mes, pero no apoyo. Los métodos comerciales son claros, completos y bien explicados para todos los niveles de habilidad. Las transacciones próximas se discuten y diseccionan, las entradas óptimas y las salidas se determinan. Las operaciones ejecutadas son monitoreadas y analizadas. A Times of Israel investigation Regulators may soon finally ban some companies, but that will only affect those that target Israeli customers the rest of the world will still be fair game The wolves of Tel Aviv: Israel s vast, amoral binary options scam exposed An industry turning over hundreds of millions of dollars, employing thousands of people, is cynically cheating naive would-be investors worldwide via a range of corrupt practices. It is doing terrible harm to its victims, and it risks doing the same to Israel s reputation When Dan Guralnek immigrated from Australia to Israel in 2012, he did not anticipate becoming involved in an international internet scam. I always wanted to move to Israel, says Guralnek, who attended a Jewish day school in Sydney. He was working in the administration of a factory in Australia when his boss died suddenly, and, at the age of 28, he realized it was a good time for him to move to Israel. I thought, I m free, no strings attached, I can go. Guralnek enrolled in Jerusalem s Ulpan Etzion to learn Hebrew, then moved to the vibrant and bustling city of Tel Aviv, where he landed a series of minimum-wage jobs for NIS 25 (a little over 6) an hour: chopping vegetables in a restaurant, driving a disabled person, working the night shift at a hot-dog stand. But in a city with sky-high rents and a cost of living relative to salaries (PDF) second only to Japan, Guralnek could not survive. He heard that jobs in an industry called binary options paid twice what he was earning, plus commission. ex-binary options salesman As soon as I started looking for a job, I was getting calls from binary options companies every day, he recalls. They dominate the job advertisement space. Nor did Guralnek have any difficulty landing a job. You walk in and they make a big show like they re assessing whether or not they want you. But they want you. On the day Guralnek stepped into the lavish offices of his new employer in the seaside town of Herzliya Pituah, he knew he had arrived. View of high-tech office buildings in Herzliya Pituah. December 12, 2015. (Nati Shohat/Flash 90) There was free coffee, free food, says Guralnek. My salary was 7,500 shekels ( 1,900) per month, plus commission. Guralnek sat in a call center with about 50 other employees, many of whom were new immigrants fluent in a variety of languages. His job was to call people around the world and persuade them to Guralnek soon saw that the more trades a client made, the closer they came to losing the entirety of their initial deposit. He had been instructed to present the binary option as an investment and himself as a broker, even though he knew they would most likely lose all their money. The client isn t actually buying anything. What he re a bookie, he says now. Before he started the job, the company gave Guralnek a week-long sales course in which he was taught enough financial knowledge to sound good to a customer who knew less than him. He was also instructed in high-pressure sales tactics. They taught us how to make people uncomfortable, how to answer objections, how to keep them on the phone. The training session was known as a conversion course and the goal was to learn how to turn a telephone lead into a customer by taking their first deposit. At his company, salespeople were not allowed to take a deposit of less than 250. During the sales course, the company s management gave Guralnek advice that haunted him later. They told us to leave our conscience at the door. Is this legal As the weeks passed, more and more questions formed in Guralnek s mind questions that underlined the bizarre financial netherworld he had entered. Why didn t he know the surnames of his managers Why were workers prohibited from speaking Hebrew or bringing cellphones into the call center Who was the company s CEO Why was it okay for the company s Arab-Israeli staff to sell binary options in places like Saudi Arabia while other countries, like Israel, the United States and Iran were off-limits Even worse, Guralnek began to suspect that beyond the poor odds customers had of actually making any money, and beyond the aggressive sales tactics, what the company was doing was downright illegal. For instance, every salesperson was asked to invent a fake name and biography. The call center used Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, which displayed a local phone number to customers anywhere in the world. The company s website listed an address in Cyprus. I was told to tell people I had years of experience in the market, that I had studied at Oxford and worked for the Bank of Scotland. Guralnek says he was told to present himself as a broker who made a commission on the trades and to emphasize how much money the customer could make while downplaying the risk. In fact, rather than helping customers to make smart trades, the true interest was for them to make unsuccessful predictions and lose their money. Guralnek says he was also increasingly disquieted by what happened when the clients tried to quit. That s when they would be asked for a lot of paperwork. We would say, You want to withdraw OK. We need to verify your identity before we can release the funds. You need to send us a photocopy of your utility bill, your driver s license, your passport, your credit card requirements, needless to say, that had not been mentioned when the client put money in . While the customer was gathering and submitting this paperwork, a retention agent would call them and go through their trades, purportedly figuring out what went wrong and convincing them to continue trading. We could delay that withdrawal for a long time. Facebook post If a customer was persistent, says Guralnek, very often the company would stop taking their calls, or send them an email saying we suspect you of fraud and freeze all their funds. Because the customer didn t know the real name or location of their salesperson, they had nowhere to turn to get their money back, explains Guralnek. But the grimmest part of the job for the young immigrant was asking for money from people who seemed poor and dejected. They believe they s got people depending on them. Lots of people are finally getting back on their feet after a drug problem or something. The worst was when a client told him, I m in hospital. When someone says I re supposed to still sell them. But I would throw the sale every time. I couldn t do it. A vast, dishonorable industry If you type the words binary options or forex into Facebook groups that cater to new olim (immigrants to Israel), you will encounter long threads of heated exchanges. Do any of you who are involved in Forex/Binary options realize that this is a highly unregulated business that it is soliciting gambling to misinformed or uneducated persons reads one such post in the popular Secret Tel Aviv group. Why should I be blamed for selling something to stupid people a woman replies. If someone is over 18 and wants alcohol, cigarettes, a knife, a binary option account, it s his own responsibility. Would you sell it to your grandmother the original poster fires back. In the Keep Olim in Israel Movement Facebook group, a woman writes, Hi all, can someone explain to me what are Binary and Forex jobs and why people are so anti-working in these industries in Israel This field is dishonorable, reads one reply. I re unlikely to ever get back. If you don t like it, don t do it, reads another. Work what you feel is an honest job, make your 6,000 shekels (approx 1,500) a month take away, spend it half on rent and live like a rodent with the rest of it. He continues, While the Binary and Forex industry and I pay 50 taxes on our salaries to pay for your health care, social security, and security, I can speak for all of us, we don t need to be judged. No one seems to know precisely how big the binary options and forex industries are in Israel. Not even the Israel Securities Authority, which, when posed the question, responded via text message, As the industry is still unregulated, we don t have the full picture. But conservative estimates put the number of people employed in the industry at several thousand, mostly in Tel Aviv and its suburbs like Herzliya and Ramat Gan, while annual revenue could be anywhere from hundreds of millions to over a billion US dollars. Globally, the term forex normally refers to legitimate trade in foreign currency, while binary options is the name of a financial instrument. In Israeli popular parlance, however, binary options and forex are often lumped together as part of the same industry: When Israelis refer to forex companies, they often mean companies that the binary options on currencies. Sometimes the terms Forex and binary options are used interchangeably to refer to rapid, all-or-nothing trades on a range of assets. At some binary options firms, the online platform is manipulated to provide false results that ensure the customer loses The rather than an investment, the transaction is really nothing more than a gamble. The misrepresentation of gambling as responsible investment would be bad enough. What the company will pull that asset from the online platform. At some binary options firms, the online platform is manipulated to provide false results that ensure the customer loses. Estimates of the number of binary options and forex companies in Israel vary from 20 to several hundred. The IVC Research Center, a company that provides information about Israel s technology sector, estimated in its 2015 yearbook that there are 100 online trading companies in Israel, the overwhelming majority of which fall into the categories of forex and binary options. IVC estimates these companies employ more that 2,800 people in Israel. However, the yearbook states, it s difficult to gauge the actual size of the online financial trading industry in Israel, in part because the industry is low-key and its Israel nexus is often understated. The lobby of TheTime Startup Incubator in Tel Aviv (Photo by Eytan Brucker/liftoff. co. il) A 2014 report on the Israeli Internet industry by TheTime startup incubator says that of the 90 Israeli Internet companies earning revenue of 10 million or more per year, 15 were online trading platforms, many of them trading forex and binary options. Three of these, according to the report, were assessed to have revenue of at least 100 million a year. Some other companies on the list included iForex, bForex, AnyOption, 4XPlace, Optionbit and Banc de Binary. Based on these assessments, the Israeli forex and binary options industry has annual turnover in the hundreds of millions, possibly even billions, of dollars. How many are fraudulent It is anyone s guess what percentage of online financial trading companies engage in unethical, illegal and/or fraudulent practices. One distinction many people interviewed for this article drew was between unregulated and regulated companies. Several large, better-known companies with Israeli founders or major sales and marketing operations in Israel are regulated in Cyprus, which gives them license to sell financial products in individual EU countries even if they are not regulated in those countries. Many forex and binary options companies operating in Israel, however, are unregulated . Sam C. a recent immigrant to Israel from the United States, describes his experience working in an unregulated binary options company last summer. Many customers had clicked on an ad hawking ways to earn money from home. former customer service staffer at a binary options firm They make it extremely, extremely hard for customers to withdraw their money, says Sam, who worked in customer service and who asked that his real name not be used. You have to find a copy of your driver s license, a copy of your utility bill and there are so many rules and requirements. Half of the calls I had to deal with were just people complaining, saying that it s been months and I need my money now. I need it to pay for this or that. Pretty much the company just refuses to give it up. In fact, Sam says he cannot confirm that any customer ever received payment or withdrew their money during his few months working at the company. People would call back and call back. And eventually, sometimes one of my managers would say, Don t take calls from him anymore. Most of the customers of Sam s company were from the United States, even though it is against US law for companies to sell binary options to US citizens in this way. Additional clients were from Africa, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Many had clicked on an ad hawking ways to earn money from home or watched a video that claimed to reveal secret investment strategies. The majority seemed to be re going to become a millionaire just by doing this. And it s almost sad. Asked about his managers, Sam said they were young Israelis who appeared to think it was cool to rip people off. Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort in a scene from 2013 (Paramount Pictures and Red Granite Pictures, Mary Cybulski) They seemed like they had just watched The Wolf of Wall Street and wanted to emulate the characters. The banter they would have, would be like, oh yeah, I can t believe you got him to invest 300. Sam says one his managers would actually quote Leonardo DiCaprio s sales pitches from the movie verbatim over the telephone when trying to sell binary options. I thought it was kind of pathetic, to be honest, recalls Sam. Manipulating software In 2013, the United States outlawed the marketing of binary options to its citizens, except on a handful of regulated exchanges. On its website, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), an independent US government agency, alerts investors to fraudulent schemes involving binary options and their trading platforms. Estos planes presuntamente incluyen negarse a acreditar cuentas de clientes, negar reembolso de fondos, robo de identidad y manipulación de software para generar operaciones perdedoras. Trading binary options can be an extremely risky proposition, warns another US-based regulatory agency, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA ), on its website. A diferencia de otros tipos de contratos de opciones, las opciones binarias son proposiciones de todo o nada. When a binary option expires, it either makes a pre-specified amount of money, or nothing at all, in which case the investor loses his or her entire investment. Las opciones binarias comerciales se hacen aún más arriesgadas por esquemas fraudulentos, muchos de los cuales se originan fuera de los Estados Unidos. In Israel, many so-called forex companies are actually selling binary options, meaning that a client bets on whether a currency will go up or down, rather than buying the currency, Jared K. a former Wall Street broker explains to The Times of Israel. Traditional forex is I buy at 3.50, I sell at 3.60. Binary forex (that is, forex in the world of binary options) is saying if it goes to 3.60 I win money, let s say 20 more than I bet, but if it goes to 3.50 or lower, I lose. Trading binary options is made even riskier by fraudulent schemes, many of which originate outside the United States US government warning Graham P. who currently works in marketing for a large, Cyprus-regulated binary options firm in Tel Aviv, says he knows about efforts to manipulate software as described by the CFTC s equivalent of a rigged roulette wheel in a casino. I spoke to a guy I was potentially going to work with, and he had actually developed a binary options platform. He said that everyone he met who was interested in buying the platform (to start their own company) wanted him to create a back door. By back door, Graham means that companies want to be able to manipulate a at the last minute if a customer or group of customers appears to be winning too much. Let s say 70 percent of the traders are for some reason betting that oil is going to go up. So then the companies say, gee, if we make just 30 percent win, we If the customer brings proof that the price of oil did actually go up to where they predicted it would, the company will point them to the fine print, which states that the company has its own algorithms which may differ from real-time. Graham, whose company is regulated in Cyprus, said that in his view the entire binary options industry is fraudulent. If so, this represents cynical and systematic corruption on an huge scale unconscionably allowed to flourish, with extremely grave potential repercussions for Israel. For some crazy reason it s legal in Europe. Individual European nations are letting binary options fly. While countries like the United States smelled the bullshit a long time ago and made it illegal. Graham said that on a gut level, he would like to see the industry shut down, but he is worried. There re installing. Can you imagine thousands of people in Tel Aviv out of work General view of Tel Aviv on December 27, 2010. (Abir Sultan/Flash 90) A bad reputation Chaya Berkowitz, an eight-year veteran of forex companies in Israel, tells the Times of Israel that her own experience in the industry has been good. I s 100 percent justified. Berkowitz asserts that there are legitimate companies in the industry, and rattles off the names FXCM, Alpari and FXPro, none of which are based in Israel. If you have ten forex companies, probably six or seven of them have bad reputations that give the others a bad name. It s unfortunate because the others take their business seriously and do care about their clients, she says. Asked if those six or seven are guilty of fraud, Berkowitz avers, I wouldn t say they re committing fraud. They have the reputation of lying to their clients and misleading advertising. That definitely exists, but there re not around very long. Berkowitz estimates that in legitimate forex companies, two or three out of 10 clients do earn profits and are able to easily withdraw their money. Asked how to tell if a company is legitimate, she says, I would look for tougher regulation, not a company regulated on some island somewhere but regulated in the UK, the United States or Australia. Cyprus, she claims, has become stricter in recent years. It s becoming a more recognized regulatory agency. I would also ask friends or other investors. Personal word of mouth is huge. I would do my homework. Look online to see who has a good reputation. I would ask questions when researching a broker. Do I have easy access to my money Do you offer education Reeling the customers in After getting her Master s degree in Israel and marrying an Israeli, Lynne R. a native Californian, began looking for a job, but was disappointed by what was out there. It was really shocking to me, once I started going to companies, to find out how low the salaries were. I wanted to find something more competitive, more similar to what I was earning in the United States. People kept mentioning to Lynne that binary options jobs paid well. She posted the fact that she was looking into a couple job sites on Facebook, and I probably had 25-30 people call to set up interviews. Lynne went on five or six interviews, where she learned she was eligible for two types of jobs. Ramat Gan s tallest building, houses many binary options companies (Simona Weinglass/Times of Israel) There s conversion and retention. For the conversion jobs they were telling me I would make around 15,000 shekels ( 3,850) a month and for retention jobs they told me I could make 30,000 to 40,000 ( 7,700 to 10,250) a month. At each interview, Lynne probed extensively as to the nature of the job. Each company has its own marketing methods, often involving videos that tell the story of a person who learned a secret method of extracting money from the market, she says. One firm told her it attracted customers with a : They said, basically we use a program, which we call a robot. We market it to people and we say it can make small trades for you, like 100 or 200, and there s an Internet program that will do, you know, some magic and make you a few hundred extra dollars a month. Lynne s job would be to call people who had paid 200 to use the robot, and persuade them to deepen their involvement. ll get you started. Lynne was eventually offered a retention job, and was enrolled in a two-week training course. The first thing she was told was to never reveal she was calling from Israel. All retention staff were asked to pose as trained brokers working out of a London office. They were required to brush up on the day s weather in London as well as what was happening in the news. You had to make yourself a biography. You needed to think of a business school and say that you went there. You needed to say that you were a trader, that you had worked for either an investment bank or on Wall Street. If you re a guy, you want to have a wife and two kids, because that makes you relate-able. The company, she said, was regulated in Cyprus. The industry is certified for Europe, but you s online financial trading industry, has written in the past that Cyprus has a reputation for lax regulation.) former binary options retention agent Lynne says her company s selling point, which it bragged about, was that it was more ethical than other binary options companies. If someone asked to withdraw their money we would give it to them within 48 hours, she says. When Lynne started playing with her company s binary options platform, she realized it was fun and addictive, almost like a gambling game. There was lots of adrenaline. If you put money in your investment account today, it might give you 3 to 6 percent returns. In binary you see 70 percent coming in right away. If conversion agents were expected to get a client to make their first deposit, retention agents like Lynne were tasked with bringing in the big money. The first step was to size up the customer. They told us to look up people re more likely to make a deposit. You call someone and you tell them my name is Jane Smith, I ve invested 300 but we both know 300 is not going to make you anything. So what is it you actually want to make in a year So people would say, I want to make 100,000. I want to buy a house or I want to travel. They tell you something that they want and then you say, so it will probably take you 6-8 months to achieve that. If you want to achieve it you need to trade every day. I m going to give you information about which picks to make every day. Lynne said the broker would check in with customers regularly, encouraging them, teaching them about the market, and offering tips. When the broker chose a stock for them to bet on, the stock would often perform as promised. When they got on the platform and made their own picks, they started losing. Then the broker would come back and help them make some good calls, and they would win again. So basically you come across as this really great trader, but in reality you are just trying to make the volume of trades be as high as possible. The next step, recalls Lynne, was to ask for a 10,000 deposit. Customers usually balk and say There s insane. I m going to deposit. But the bonus, explains Lynne, is a trap. You t take the bonus or the money you earned with the bonus. So clients get stuck in the system, because they don ve lost everything. The longer you trade, the more money you lose, says Lynne. You can t go that far typically and be successful. However, Lynne says again, with her company, if you resisted the temptation to take the bonus, and if you put in a request, the company would send you your money. They really bragged about the fact that they were good about giving people their money right away. In fact, they encouraged people to take small withdrawals. If a customer had 10,000, they would say, why don re giving out and how much leeway to try to give the customers. Lynne quit her binary options job soon after the training course because she said she couldn t stomach taking the savings of schoolteachers and truck drivers. Asked whether she thought what she had been assigned to do was unethical or illegal, she replies: It was certainly unethical. When I tell people about this job, they are shocked. They say, that could never be legal, there s no way Israel would ever allow that. Economic terrorism In November 2014 a man by the name of Ariel Marom, who described himself as a former employee of several companies in the forex industry, sent a strongly worded letter to both the Finance and the Ethics committees of the Knesset, as reported in Israel s financial daily Globes. Israel s parliament, the Knesset, January 19, 2016. (Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) I am calling on the regulator in charge of banking services and the Knesset Finance Committee to immediately take action to stop the wave of plundering, theft, fraud, money laundering, and crime on an international scale that is managed and operated in Israel that is hurting thousands of customers around the world. Marom described the forex industry as economic terrorism targeting the citizens of many countries. When this information becomes public knowledge through investigative reports by the media, which is bound to happen sooner or later, Israel s status in the world will be damaged and it will unleash a wave of hatred toward the Jewish people and Israel, causing tremendous damage. letter sent to Knesset committees Marom said in the letter that he had been searching for a job in recent months and as a Russian speaker had interviewed with forex companies that operate in Israel and target customers abroad. He said he was surprised at the sheer magnitude of the fast-growing industry. There are hundreds of jobs currently available to Arabic, Russian, English, Spanish and French speakers as these companies seek new workers for their expanding departments. Marom added that after years in the traditional banking industry, he was shocked at the practices he witnessed in several forex companies. In the absence of any regulation, they are simply robbing customers. Many people compare forex to a casino, but it s worse than a casino. A casino hands you your winnings immediately. Forex companies simply do not allow people to withdraw money. Marom goes on: Many forex customers have no idea that the company operates from Israel, especially when we re talking about the Arabic-speaking desks. Their complaints never reach our justice system and so the industry is not exposed. How is it possible that this has been happening for years, with no local regulation What happens when thousands of Turks, Russians, Spaniards, Italians and French figure out that the scam they fell for was carried out from here, in Israel Are our regulators waiting for synagogues to start blowing up all over the world to shut this thing down It is not clear what the Knesset Finance Committee did in response to Marom s letter. The Times of Israel tried to track Marom down, but the CEO of FeeX, a high-tech startup he used to blog for, said he had not heard from Marom for a few years and had no contact information. Marom s LinkedIn profile placed him at a high-tech company in Brazil where no one who answered the phone seemed to speak English. A phone call to an Ariel Marom listed near Haifa was answered by a woman who said her husband is an astronomer, not a finance professional. You re the third journalist who has called looking for Ariel Marom in the last two weeks, she said. Now I m curious. The Times of Israel asked for the help of SixGill, a cybersecurity high-tech firm that specializes in the dark web, to track down Marom, but after a brief automated search, Tommy Ben-avi, a senior analyst at Sixgill, concluded that either Ariel Marom is not his real name or he doesn t want to be found. The cyber intelligence company did, however, make some interesting observations about the forex and binary options industries. Ben-avi mentioned several companies known to be operating from Israel. This industry is a bit shady. It s hard to get to the owners and CEOs of some of these companies. Most of the time, when you have a company that large, you can see the owner, you can see the shareholders. Ben-avi conducted an automatic search with a system that scours hundreds of thousands of sites and closed dark web forums. It seems like they Or maybe their business is not 100 percent legitimate. How it s done on Wall Street Jared K. a licensed stockbroker from the United States who now lives in Tel Aviv, says that he sees several problems with the local forex and binary options industries. On Wall Street, brokers are regulated, transactions are regulated, the money is regulated. Where is it coming from and where is it going There are rules as to how someone can access money in a claim. US-licensed stockbroker who lives in Tel Aviv Furthermore, says Jared, in the United States, a license to sell securities or handle client investments would require a person to meet certain ethical standards. If they don t look out for the best interest of their client s investments, it is a criminal offense. On Wall Street I can t fit them. That is fraudulent. If I called up your parents and said put money in this investment and they lost it all, in theory I could be arrested and go to jail. Binary doesn t have that, there are no repercussions. What happens if someone loses money Nothing. I am shocked that Israel hasn t shut this down, he sums up. A product that invites fraud Yaron Zelekha, Israel s former accountant-general, became known as the country s foremost whistle-blower in 2007 when he exposed the financial improprieties of a sitting prime minister, Ehud Olmert. s former accountant-general Zelekha told The Times of Israel that he doesn t want to tar all its players with the same brush, but that binary options and some instruments related to forex are designed in a way that creates a strong incentive for fraud. There is a very wide information gap between the public and these players, and they are exploiting it to their advantage. The broker is not giving you a service like in a bank he is personally betting against you. This is a flagrant conflict of interest, because you re betting on something, and the person reporting the outcome wants you to lose. Such circumstances invite fraud, says Zelekha, and there is no small number of companies that simply defraud the customer. Sometimes that fraud is very sophisticated. Israeli economist Yaron Zelekha, (Yossi Zeliger/FLASH90) Asked whether the entire industry should be shut down, Zelekha responds, There is no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater, although I personally would not advise any Israeli to trade with any of these companies. What the industry does need, he says, is real-time regulation. He says there is software that can now do real-time monitoring of a company s transactions. The Israel Securities Authority (ISA) must have real-time access to these companies computer systems. Zelekha says the ISA has fought a long battle to regulate the online financial trading industry. They deserve credit for their efforts, although the regulation won t be effective if it isn t done in real time. ISA: We probably won t allow binary options The Israel Securities Authority is housed in a 1920s Eclectic-style building in one of Tel Aviv s loveliest neighborhoods, near the stock exchange. Itzik Shurki, director of the ISA S Exchange and Trading Platforms Supervision, is a soft-spoken man, but he has harsh words for binary options. Shurki says a new law to regulate online financial trading industries went into effect in May 2015. The companies that wanted to continue to offer their products to Israeli customers had to request a license from the ISA. Twenty-one companies requested licenses. One was disqualified, because its controlling shareholder, Aviv Talmor, had fled to Cyprus to escape arrest for alleged financial misdeeds. Talmor has since returned to Israel and is currently under house arrest. Two other companies withdrew their applications, leaving 18. Of these, four are primarily binary options companies, while the others seek to offer other types of CFDs, or contracts for differences, as well. Itzik Shurki of the Israel Securities Authority Almost a year later, none of the applicants has been approved. Shurki says that the industry is currently in a transition period while the ISA reviews the applicants. During this period, the 18 companies have permission to continue to operate. If we decide yes, they will become fully regulated companies if we decide no, they will have to stop their operations. Which way is the ISA leaning With binary options we but in the way it is offered and in the short time frame, and with all its complexity, in our view it brings it closer to a guessing game than a financial product where you can evaluate its worth. Itzik Shurki of the ISA (Courtesy) CFDs, or contracts for differences, a high-risk financial instrument that is also banned in the United States except on registered security exchanges, will be allowed in Israel, says Shurki. However, Shurki says CFDs will be regulated in real-time and aggressive or deceptive sales tactics will be rendered illegal. The ISA will monitor the prices of every product offered to make sure they are transparent and fair traders will need to be licensed and traders will also be prohibited from offering advice or tips to their customers. Shurki explains. This all sounds quite impressive. Once the ISA makes it decision, one might be forgiven for thinking, the binary options fraudsters will be out of business. But there s a catch a great big catch that potentially excludes the overwhelming proportion of binary options trading from effective supervision in Israel: The new regulations apply only to companies that target Israeli customers. If a binary options or forex company targets customers abroad exclusively, it will not be regulated by the ISA. Thus, to ensure that the new law not apply to them, companies need only exclude Israeli clients. A quick visit to the websites of several binary options firms does indeed prompt messages saying the service is not available to Israelis. Shurki says he is aware that the new regulations will not solve the problem of call centers that are defrauding people abroad, but says that such activity is not under the ISA s jurisdiction, in the same way that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) only protects British citizens and the CFTC only protects Americans. If an American company tried to sell securities to Israelis, it would be our job to protect our citizens, not the Americans responsibility, he explains, although he adds that the ISA does have very good information exchanges with its foreign counterparts. Yes, but when an Israeli company steals from people in another country, is that not a crime It is a crime, says Shurki, but it s not a crime for his authority to investigate. There s no such thing as a vacuum of authority. If an Israeli commits fraud or misrepresentation, that s the purview of the Israel Police. The French connection Perhaps nowhere is the hand-wringing and acrimony over Israel-based forex and binary options trading more anguished than in the community of French Jews living in Israel. In January of this year, a cover story of the French-language Israel Magazine , a monthly glossy magazine and website serving the French-speaking community in Israel and the Diaspora, was titled, Forex, is it kosher journalist in a piece warning about Forex In the introduction to the piece, journalist Andre Darmon writes, The point of this article is not to point a finger at some of our fellow citizens or co-religionists, because the phenomenon is global, but to raise awareness that a generation of young people is in the process of perverting themselves into worshipers of the golden calf. And that earning a living does not mean everything is permissible These call centers hire lost young souls, writes journalist Ilana Mazouz in Alliance, a French-Jewish Internet magazine, many who do not speak Hebrew or English, and for a short time provide the illusion of a normal life in Israel. Some rabbis have forbidden people from working in the industry, calling it theft, while rabbinic lectures on the Internet in French bear titles like Forex, dirty work and Amalek. Again, numbers are hard to come by for how many young French speakers are employed in the industry. Didier F. a French-Jewish businessman, told The Times of Israel that after he graduated from the IDC-Herzliya, many of his fellow students were recruited by forex and binary options companies. Didier asserts that many owners of forex websites are members of a French-Jewish community of conmen who are hiding from French law enforcement in Israel, where the police, he alleges, don t bother them over-much. As previously reported in The Times of Israel, about 10 recent immigrants from France were charged last year with cyber crimes and telephone scams, while France has reportedly sent Israel 70 additional formal requests for judicial assistance for cases of suspected fraud. A movie was recently made in France about one of these alleged fraudsters. The movie is called I love when they say French aliyah has increased so much now it m happy about it. But then you see that many of them are working in the forex industry or binary options industry. You go to Tel Aviv today, when you say to someone in the French community, I work in finance, they immediately think that you work in this shit. Adds Didier: Even if it s a small amount of money, they re stealing money from poor people. It s destroying families. Some people have killed themselves. According to a report in Le Nouvel Observateur, a French news weekly, l Autorite des Marches Financiers, the French securities authority, received a staggering 4,500-plus complaints about forex and binary options fraud in 2014. Those forex and binary options complaints constituted 37 percent of all complaints about securities fraud received by the authority in that year. The majority of the forex transactions that prompted those complaints originated in Israel, the article claims. What does Google have to do with this There is yet another piece of the binary options empire, and it relates to the way Israeli firms manage to reassure customers of their ostensible integrity, via Google. Let s say you are a potential binary options customer. A company has approached you about making a deposit, but you are not sure, so you decide to do your homework. You Google, Are binary options legitimate You will get a list of results, one or two of which may be fraud warnings from the US regulatory body, the CFTC. The first few pages of search results, however, are dominated by sites that purport to warn you away from scam binary options sites and steer you toward legitimate ones. Upon closer examination, however, many of these sites themselves turn out to be affiliates of the binary options companies. Next, you might Google, Are binary options legal in the United States Once again, many of the top results turn out to be websites affiliated with the industry itself, rather than an objective source of information. Some of these sites offer misleading statements and half-truths like There are at this moment no laws both on the federal and state level that forbid US citizens from trading binary options online. US law banning binary options is directed at the companies that market them, not the customers who buy them, so there is some truth in that statement. However, the SEC and CFTC clearly warn investors that they may not have the full safeguards of the federal securities and commodities laws if they purchase unregistered binary options that are not subject to the oversight of U. S. regulators. Aerial view of the coastal city of Herzliya Pituah, July 21, 2010. (Moshe Shai/FLASH90) Many countries, including Canada, publish updated lists of unregistered binary options companies that solicit customers in Canada in violation of the law. A recent Canadian list is here. The list features 37 companies. The Times of Israel went to the website of each company on this list. Some were no longer in operation. Others blocked users from Israel (presumably to avoid trouble with the Israel Securities Authority). One now hosts a porn site. Most were hard to pin down to a geographic location. However, based on first - and secondhand sources, The Times of Israel suspects that more than half of these companies, if not the overwhelming majority, operate from Israel. Investing with offshore companies operating outside of Canada can be risky and is a common red flag of investment fraud, the Canadian Securities Authority warns. Yet if you Google Canada, binary options, blacklist, once again, many of the top search results appear to be industry-affiliated sites, some of which recommend as legitimate the very same sites that are on the Canadian government s blacklist. Bryan Seely, a Seattle-based cybersecurity expert, tells The Times of Israel he is not surprised to hear of these Google search results, which, he explains, show Google s search engine being manipulated. Bryan Seely (Facebook) Google doesn t make a point of censoring stuff you can find drugs, you can find steroids, you don t have to go to the Silk Road. Google indexes the Internet and ranks things where it ranks them. Asked why, if this industry allegedly has so many victims, their voices don t show up higher in Google rankings, Seely says, the victims aren s page would typically have only a low Google ranking. Seely, who has been battling to raise public awareness of massive search engine manipulation in the locksmith industry s the underlying issue: Is Google safe to use Or Bing What he s really asking, when it comes to the binary options industry, is whether searching Google will lead a potential investor who fears being defrauded to the independent, credible and accurate information he is seeking. The answer, it would appear, is no. Search engine optimization and the secret of success Over the last decade, Israel earned the nickname sending unsuspecting and naive clients their way. Yoni S. an Israeli high-tech entrepreneur and SEO consultant, explains that without effective SEO, a fraudulent local player remains local, defrauding perhaps a few hundred victims in his vicinity. But with the power of Internet marketing, the scammer s reach can go global. The Times of Israel sent Google a request for an interview about the manipulation of its search platform by allegedly fraudulent businesses in the binary options industry, but Google did not respond. What do the police have to say The Times of Israel contacted the Israel Police repeatedly to ask them about alleged fraud in the forex and binary options industries. Their answers underlined how law enforcement is struggling to grapple with the soaring, fast-moving challenge of Internet crime. If there are investigations going on into fraud, etc. I don t have information on this. If someone has filed a complaint to the police, then let me know, Israel Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld replied. A second police spokesperson, Luba Samri, told The Times of Israel, We got lost in your question. Please focus it more. Who filed a complaint against whom Finally, The Times of Israel called a third spokesperson, Merav Lapidot, and asked her what the police are doing about suspected fraud on a vast scale in the forex and binary options industries in Israel. Israel Police spokeswoman Merav Lapidot, November 28, 2007. (Moshe Shai/FLASH90) This is something you Told that people who worked inside the industry have described widespread potentially fraudulent behavior on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars, affecting tens of thousands of people, Lapidot replied: But no one has complained. I don s not our job. You could start a business tomorrow selling jewelry over the Internet. Will the police come to investigate your business To the suggestion that there may be thousands of victims abroad, Lapidot said, If there is someone who complained, we need to check that specific complaint. We re not going to check a whole issue. Is it possible that an entire industry, much of it allegedly corrupt, is slipping through the cracks between Shurki t act unless specific complaints are filed with them Zvika Rubins, a PR consultant for the Israel Securities Authority, says the law simply hasn t caught up with the dubious and crooked methods people have devised to make money on the Internet. When you talk about bits and bytes, it s not that simple. Was there a crime Where did it take place For instance, let s say you have a company and it s incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and its servers are in India and it has a trading room in Israel. Is it an Israeli company I don t know. Rubins, who stresses that he is not an expert on criminal law, muses that if someone in Israel commits a crime against someone in, say, France, over the Internet, then it might be the responsibility of the French to open an investigation, trace the crime to Israel, and approach the Israeli police about it. Zvika Rubins (Facebook) Yoni S. the SEO expert, is outraged by this approach. In Israel it s against the law to murder, but if I establish a company in Israel that murders people through the Internet in Malaysia, that s okay Seely sees the problem as extremely serious and growing: We s getting worse. It s a jungle out there, says Yoni, referring to the fact that people do all sorts of things on the Internet that would be illegal within their own borders. The Internet came in, no one has passed any regulation yet, and now there is an opportunity to make tons of money in the jungle. A response from inside the industry Tali Yaron-Eldar, Israel s largest binary options companies with revenues in the tens of millions of dollars. In 2011, Ben-Asulin was indicted by the United States for securities fraud, and last month he was convicted of fraud by an Israeli court for helping an Israeli credit card company, ICC-CAL, illegally clear billions of shekels of charges from porn, binary options and gambling websites, as well as conceal the number of canceled transactions. For his crimes, Ben-Asulin will do five months of community service and pay a fine of less than 1 million. Tali Yaron-Eldar (Screenshot Channel 10) In a 2014 interview (Hebrew) with Israel The Times of Israel contacted Yaron-Eldar to ask her about alleged fraud within the binary options industry. To the extent that this is true, she said, it applies to unregulated companies. In Yaron-Eldar s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Asked about the fact that the Canadian government has included AnyOption on a list of companies illegally soliciting Canadian citizens, Yaron-Eldar replies, In fact, Yaron-Eldar insists that AnyOption is not an Israeli company at all. Indeed, a perusal of anyoption reveals no references to Israel. Nevertheless, it is no secret that hundreds of employees go to work each day at AnyOption s Ramat Hachayal neighborhood. How does she explain this discrepancy In other words, AnyOption (like many other binary options companies with similar corporate structures) is not in fact an Israeli company, according to Yaron-Eldar s reasoning. This means that it, and many others like it, is subject to Cypriot law and regulation, not Israeli law. Since much of the regulated part of the binary options industry is subject to Cypriot regulation, the honesty or dishonesty of those firms may hinge on the strength and honesty of Cypriot law enforcement. Where are the victims The Times of Israel contacted the FBI to see if anyone had complained about forex or binary options call centers in Israel, but the agency did not respond. ASIC, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, replied in an email, We don t comment on operational matters, this includes confirming or denying if we have received complaints about a particular matter or not. A French government spokeswoman, however, confirmed that France has been having problems with forex fraud emanating from Israel. Yes, there are some cases of fraud, as you say, Back to Australia Ariel Marom, the mysteriously disappeared former forex employee who wrote that anguished 2014 letter to the Knesset, warned of the fallout when the extent of the corruption in the binary options industry in Israel is exposed. Are our regulators waiting for synagogues to start blowing up all over the world to shut this thing down Dan Guralnek, the Australian immigrant, has drawn his own conclusions. Guralnek recently became engaged to an Israeli woman. But he hopes to persuade her to move back to Australia with him, in part because of the high cost of living that drove him to work in binary options in the first place, and in part because of the corruption he has encountered. Now I see corruption everywhere I look, CoursTorah , the website of a Francophone synagogue near Tel Aviv And it issues an evidently all too necessary reminder:
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